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Wallbox | Electric Vehicle charge | Pulsar Max | 22 kW | Output | A | Wi-Fi, Bluetooth | Pulsar Max retains the compact size and advanced performance of the Pulsar family while featuring an upgraded robust design, IK10 protection rating, and even easier i

Wallbox | Electric Vehicle charge | Pulsar Max | 22 kW | Output | A | Wi-Fi, Bluetooth | Pulsar Max retains the compact size and advanced performance of the Pulsar family while featuring an upgraded robust design, IK10 protection rating, and even easier i

Prekės kodas: PLP2-0-2-4-9-001
Prekės kodas: PLP2-0-2-4-9-001
1,175.01 €
Pristatymas 1 d.d.

Kaina verslui

1,082.68 €


Wallbox | Electric Vehicle charge | Pulsar Max | 22 kW | Output | A | Wi-Fi, Bluetooth | Pulsar Max retains the compact size and advanced performance of the Pulsar family while featuring an upgraded robust design, IK10 protection rating, and even easier installation. Pulsar Max is controlled by the myWallbox app via WiFi and Bluetooth and is compatible with all Wallbox Energy Management functionalities | 5 m | White


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